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100% chính hãng
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Miễn phí giao hàng toàn quốcChi tiết kỹ thuật:
Model No. | Rated Voltage , Rated Frequency |
VDN-5085-V311, VDN-5085-V911, VDN-5085-VA11 | 12 VDC / 24 VAC , 50 Hz |
VDN-5085-V321, VDN-5085-V921, VDN-5085-VA21 | 12 VDC / 24 VAC , 60 Hz |
Power Consumption | 360 mA (12 VDC), 700 mA with heater on330 mA (24 VAC), 650 mA with heater on |
Image Sensor | 960H, 1/3" DS CCD, sensor resolution 720TVL, WDR dual shutter |
System | PAL or NTSC |
Total pixels (H x V) | 1020 x 596 (PAL)1020 x 508 (NTSC) |
Effective pixels (H x V) | 976 x 582 (PAL)976 x 494 (NTSC) |
SensitivityLens 2.8 to 10.5 mm (3200K, scene reflectivity 89%, transmission 68%, F1.2)” | |
Full video (100 IRE) | Usable picture(50 IRE) , Usable picture(30 IRE) |
Color | 0.7 lx(0.0651 fc) , 0.13 lx(0.0121 fc) , 0.06 lx(0.00558 fc) |
Color+ SensUp 10x | 0.07 lx(0.00651 fc) , 0.013 lx(0.00121 fc) , 0.006 lx(0.000558 fc) |
Monochrome | 0.3 lx(0.0279 fc) , 0.06 lx(0.00558 fc) , 0.03 lx(0.00279 fc) |
Monochrome SensUp 10x | 0.03 lx(0.00279 fc) , 0.006 lx(0.000558 fc) , 0.003 lx(0.000279 fc) |
SensitivityLens 9 to 22 mm (3200K, scene reflectivity 89%, transmission 68%, F1.4)” | |
Full video (100 IRE) | Usable picture(50 IRE) , Usable picture(30 IRE) |
Color | 1 lx(0.0930 fc) , 0.17 lx(0.0158 fc) , 0.08 lx(0.00744 fc) |
Color+ SensUp 10x | 0.1 lx(0.00930 fc) , 0.017 lx(0.00158 fc) , 0.008 lx(0.000744 fc) |
Monochrome | 0.4 lx(0.0372 fc) , 0.08 lx(0.00744 fc) , 0.04 lx(0.00372 fc) |
Monochrome SensUp 10x | 0.04 lx(0.00372 fc) , 0.008 lx(0.000744 fc) , 0.004 lx(0.000372 fc) |
SensitivityLens 18 to 50 mm (3200K, scene reflectivity 89%, transmission 68%, F1.5)” | |
Full video (100 IRE) | Usable picture(50 IRE) , Usable picture(30 IRE) |
Color | 1.1 lx(0.102 fc) , 0.2 lx(0.0186 fc) , 0.09 lx(0.00836 fc) |
Color+ SensUp 10x | 0.11 lx(0.0102 fc) , 0.02 lx(0.00186 fc) , 0.009 lx(0.000836 fc) |
Monochrome | 0.5 lx(0.0465 fc) , 0.09 lx(0.00836 fc) , 0.05 lx(0.00465 fc) |
Monochrome SensUp 10x | 0.05 lx(0.00465 fc) , 0.009 lx(0.000836 fc) , 0.005 lx(0.000465 fc) |
Signal-to-Noise Ratio | >54 dB |
Video Output | Composite video 1 Vpp, 75 ohm |
Synchronization | Internal, Line Lock |
Shutter | Auto (1/50 [1/60] to 1/100000) selectable, fixed, flickerless, default |
Sensitivity Up | Adjustable from Off up to 10x |
Day/Night | Color, Mono, Auto |
Dynamic Engine | XF-Dynamic, HDR, Smart BLC |
Dynamic Range | 94 dB (WDR) |
Dynamic Noise Reduction | 2D-NR, 3D-NR |
AGC | AGC On or Off (0 – 40 dB) selectable |
Smart BLC | On/Off |
Peak White Invert | On/Off |
White Balance | ATW Indoor, ATW Outdoor, ATW hold and Manual |
Contrast Enhancement | Low, Medium, High |
Sharpness | Sharpness enhancement level selectable |
Alarm Output | VMD or Bilinx |
Cable Compensation | Up to 1000 m (3000 ft) coax without external amplifiers (automatic set-up in combination with Bilinx coaxial communication) |
Camera ID | 17 character editable string, position selectable |